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Photo Diogo Madeira.jpeg
"I was under a lot of pressure and had problems with insomnia, having managed to overcome this phase of my life with meditation and many practices that Maria taught me."

Diogo Madeira
Fargo, Portugal


What they say about Maria Antónia Gonçalves...

Jennifer Ramos | ACROART ~ Praia, Cape Verde Dec 2022

"It was an excellent session, I think it contributed a lot to motivate our students and even their parents, and I hope we can continue this work throughout the year."

Guevara Cruz | ACROART ~ Praia, Cape Verde Dec 2022

"It was a moment of great tranquility, despite dealing with simple everyday topics, when we hear it in the voice of the other, we listen more carefully, which leads us to reflect on simple aspects of everyday life that, even being aware of them, we forget . It was a very successful moment, thank you."

Heriene Sadine | ACROART ~ Praia, Cape Verde Dec 2022

""I really enjoyed this moment when we had the opportunity to hear Maria Antónia's words, it was very special. We need to apply this to our lives to live better. I think we lack a lot of quality of life and she showed in a very simple way how we are not living life in the best way possible."

Analia Silva | ACROART ~ Praia, Cape Verde Dec 2022

"This workshop was very interesting, because right now we are going through moments of great anxiety, at least I am speaking for myself. So, when people appear in your life capable of showing you that life is lighter, making you understand what you can control, you start to live with more conscience. These things we need to introduce in our personal and professional lives, we should do therapy to start dealing with anxiety situations, starting... it's hard to say... (laughs) )... It was really good, it was rewarding and I wish I had more sessions like this."

The Video Diary:Shared Excerpts of the Journey

Evandro de Oliveira
Anne Brightman
Isa Neves
Diogo Madeira
Estela Furtado

let's connect

Estamos Juntos :)


Phone: +351 926486816

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